Never struggle to teach reading alone again with...

Reading Better Together Club

Do you ever wish someone would just tell you what to do to teach your child how to read (and actually enjoy doing it)?

Wonder why your child is still struggling, after all this effort, when that other kid's mom keeps insisting that she "just taught herself"?

Get my exact step-by-step plan for teaching your child how to read, plus the help and support that you need to make it happen... all for just $7 per month.

Reading really is better when you do it together!

To all the busy homeschool moms: Are you...

Staying up at night, worried that you aren't doing enough for your child. You want them to be a confident reader who loves books, but you aren't sure how to make it happen.

Secretly dreading reading time with your child because you don't want to deal with the tears or the fighting that are happening every day. Can't we just fast-forward to the part where reading is fun, instead of hard?

Spending hours scrolling Pinterest or searching social media trying to find the answers... but the only thing you get is a headache because everyone's advice is different, and most of the stuff they tried didn't work for your child?

It's not like you wanted these things to happen.

You've tried memorizing the giant sight word lists and plodding through the boring readers that have no plot.

And if you had $1 for every hour you spent reading to your child you could probably just retire now.

I'm here to tell you, it's not your fault.
Those methods work for about 10% of kids (probably the ones who somehow "just taught themselves" to read). But they just don't work for the rest of us.

Most kids need an intentional plan to be able to learn how to read.

And, because different kids struggle in different areas, the plan is different for each child (even siblings in the same family).

Which is why you need a step-by-step plan AND a place to ask questions and get support as you customize it to fit your child.


Reading Better Together Club

Raise a Lifelong Reader who reads under the covers with a flashlight in just 15 minutes per day​ with a proven step-by-step plan and the support you need to accomplish it.

Inside the Club, you'll find the plan to follow to teach your child to read, exclusive print-and-go resources to help you on your reading journey, and the perfect place to ask questions and get support inside our private community. Everything is designed to help your kids read easier and faster- with less work for you, and more fun for them.

Hi, I'm Sarah...

 I’m an Orton-Gillingham trained reading teacher with a degree in education and over a decade of experience teaching kids from preschool through high school. I spent years in a mixed-age elementary classroom, helping kids learn how to read in ways that were inspiring and fun.

I’m also a homeschool mom who is right there in the trenches with you.

I developed the methods I teach when my son was learning to read (he is now a fluent reader who loves books) and I'm currently using them with my daughter... so I know what it's like to teach kids to read at home.
Everything Included in Reading Better Together Club

Everything you need to make the process of learning to read faster, easier, and more fun.

Step by Step Plan to Teach Your Child How to Read ($39 value)

Learning to read is like learning math- it's a sequential process. Skipping steps or teaching them out of order can make learning to read take longer and make our kids think they can't do it.

But, teaching the right steps in the right order can speed up the process and make reading easier and more fun for our kids.

These 7 short videos will walk you through the process of teaching your child how to read, step by step, so that you always know what to work on next with your child to help them learn to read as quickly and easily as possible.

Plus, you'll find tips for activities to try and pitfalls to avoid to help you teach reading like a pro- even if you've never done it before.


"Started to Learn Better"
This is the exact opposite of what our current curriculum is telling us to do, but I followed my gut and went against the curriculum and she has actually started to learn better this way!

- Jennifer

Growing Q+A Library ($39 value)

If you have more than one child, you know- every child is unique. And that means that every child's reading journey is going to be a little bit different.

That also means that as homeschool parents, we have to think on our feet and be able to customize our process to help our kids with their specific challenges.

The problem is, most homeschool curriculum options don't come with support- so if it doesn't work for your child as written, or they get stuck, your only option is to move on and try something else.

But what if you could ask a teacher and get tips customized for your child's struggle?

Inside the Reading Better Together Club, you can ask questions any time to be answered live on our monthly Q+A calls.

And, all the recordings are organized in our Q+A Library, so you can find tips for common reading struggles on demand.

It's like having a Netflix of solutions right at your fingertips!

"A Friend Helping Me Through This Process of Teaching My Kids to Read"
I so appreciate the support and all the extra videos and things you have put into this. I finally feel hopeful and like I have a friend helping me through this process of teaching my kids to read.

- Charlotte

Private, Parents-Only Community ($29 Value)

One of the hardest parts about teaching our kids at home is how lonely it can sometimes feel.

But you don't ever have to be alone on your child's reading journey.

The Reading Better Together Club community is the perfect place to ask a question, share a win, and connect with other homeschool parents (and grandparents!) who are also teaching their kids how to read right now.

Everything happens right inside the Club app, so you won't need to go on social media and sift through all the pictures from your cousin's barbecue to find the reading advice you need (or worry about your privacy posting about your child on social media).

The dedicated community space means that everything is focused on reading, and every post is read and reviewed by a trained teacher, so you won't find any of the conflicting, confusing, or sometimes outright wrong advice you can get from a Facebook group.

"Personalized Support is Absolutely Invaluable"
Sarah is dedicated to supporting you in your homeschool efforts & truly helping you teach your kids to read - that kind of personalized support is absolutely invaluable since every child (& teacher) is different!

- Lindsey

This is a $107 value, but I want to make this club affordable to help as many families as possible.

Join the Reading Better Together Club Today for Just $7/month!

Step by Step Plan to Teach Your Child How to Read (a $39 value)

Growing Q+A Library (a $39 value)

Private, Parents-Only Community (a $29 Value)

Plus Bonuses

Plus, when you join the Club today, you'll get access to amazing bonuses:

Bonus #1: Growing Print-and-Go Resource Library ($17 Value)

Are you sick of spending hours searching Pinterest to try to find the perfect reading activities for your child?

This growing resource library is full of print-and-go resources designed for homeschoolers to help your child learn to read.

And everything here is created by a teacher trained in the Science of Reading. That means there's no busywork here- just helpful resources to make your child's reading journey easier and more fun.

Bonus #2: Live Classes about Teaching Reading ($27 Value)

Learn-to-Read resources are great, but knowing how to use them is even better.

When you join the Reading Better Together Club, you will get access to regular live classes about a variety of different topics designed to help you learn how to teach reading better.

These topics are created with homeschool parents in mind, so I'll break down what the research says about how to make learning to read as easy as possible for our kids, and share what you really need to know to be successful as a reading teacher- even if you don't have a teaching degree.

And, the topics come from Club members, so you can request topics that are helpful to you, like...
  • Teaching a child who has Dyslexia
  • Assessment- how to know what your child knows, and what to do next
  • Tips for learning sight words
  • How to help kids blend sounds to make words
  • How speech impacts reading
  • And more

Bonus #3: Guest Workshops ($27 Value)

When you join the Reading Better Together Club, you will get access to support from a variety of experts and professionals to help you with all aspects of teaching your child to read with confidence.

Guests join the club regularly to support you on your reading journey.

Imagine bonding with your child over books, instead of fighting with them about reading lessons.

Thanks to the Reading Better Together Club...

Step by Step Plan to Teach Your Child How to Read (a $39 value)

Growing Q+A Library (a $39 value)

Private, Parents-Only Community (a $29 Value)

Plus Bonuses

... a $107 value, plus 3 huge bonuses...

Growing Print-and-Go Resource Library (a $17 value)

Live Classes About Teaching Reading (a $27 value)

Guest Workshops (a $27 value)

... When you add it up, that is a total value of $178...

But, because I’m so committed to making sure that everyone can get these amazing results, you can join the Reading Better Together Club for the Founding Member's price of just...

$7 / month

The Homeschool with Confidence Guarantee

I’m so passionate about making sure that you raise kids who love reading, that I want to make sure you find the perfect resources for your family.

That’s why I’m offering the Homeschool with Confidence Guarantee.

Take 7 days to try out the Reading Better Together Club. If you don’t love it, simply e-mail me for a full refund.

Questions Smart Parents Ask About the Reading Better Together Club
  • Will this work for my child?
    The Reading Better Together Club isn't a specific curriculum that will either "work" or "not work" for your child. Instead, the Club is a resource library designed to support you as you teach your child to read, and a place to ask questions and get support when what you're trying isn't working.

    The process of learning to read is a little bit different for every child, and so it's important to be able to customize whatever curriculum or process you're using to fit your child's unique strengths and weaknesses... which is exactly what we'll be doing together inside of the Club.
  • Why is this just $7? Is it any good?
    For the amount of personalized support you will be getting in the Club, the price should be a lot more than $7.

    But right now, I want to help as many families teach their kids to read at home as possible. And I know that the only way to be able to make a huge impact like that for a lot of families is to make the price as affordable as possible, so as many families as possible can participate.

    I'm not sure how long this price will last, but once you join the Club, your rate will be locked in for as long as you're a member- so even when I do raise the price, you will still pay just $7 per month.
  • What grade is this for? And how do I know if my child is ready for this?
    Most kids will be ready to start reading sometime between ages 3 and 7. If your child knows the names of the letters of the alphabet, points out letters on signs or in books, and is excited to learn to read, they are ready to begin. If your child knows some of the letter sounds, this is a bonus.
  • Is this a reading curriculum? What else do I need?
    Reading Better Together Club is not an open-and-go reading curriculum. Instead, it is support for you as you teach your child to read using the curriculum of your choice. If you are looking for a scripted, science-backed curriculum that makes reading fun, you can add the Reading Better Together curriculum to your purchase at checkout for a discount.
  • I am really busy. Will I have time for this?
    Absolutely. The Reading Better Together Club works sort of like a library. At a library, you use it whenever you need it, as much as you need it- and you don't need to read every book inside to do so. The Club is the same. No matter how often you check in, you'll find help and support here.

    The resources in the Reading Better Together Club are all designed to make the process of learning to read quicker and easier for you and your child, which can save weeks or months of frustration and discouragement that can come from teaching the wrong things or in the wrong order, as well.
  • Is this on Facebook? What if I'm not on social media?
    The Reading Better Together Club is on a separate, private platform and nothing is on any social media platform. After you join the club, you will receive detailed instructions and a video walkthrough to help you download the Club app and get started. You will also be able to set up notifications through e-mail or on your phone if you would like, so that you don't ever have to remember to check another thing.
  • Will I get anything in the mail?
    No. The Reading Better Together Club is a digital product, which means you will get instant access to everything you need to get started. All the resources will be available in the Club's app or on the website.
  • What if I don't love it?
    This resource comes with a 7 day, 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Simply e-mail me for a full refund.
I'm so excited to help you raise livelong learners who love
reading- and you can join the Reading Better Together Club for
$7 / month

Step by Step Plan to Teach Your Child How to Read (a $39 value)

Growing Q+A Library (a $39 value)

Private, Parents-Only Community (a $29 Value)

Growing Print-and-Go Resource Library (a $17 value)

Live Classes About Teaching Reading (a $27 value)

Guest Workshops (a $27 value)

... A Total Value of $178 per month.... but you can join today for the Founding Member's price of just $7 / month!

INSTANT access is waiting for you! 

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  • Today's payment
  • Reading Better Together Club$7
  • Future payments
  • $7

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Reading Better Together Club$7

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